All Work and No Play Makes Allison a Crabby Allison
If my teacher ed courses are teaching me anything (which is doubtful), it's that my teachers were all idiots. Did they really willingly go through the hell of teacher education so that they could take home $24,000 a year?
Today one of my professors sprang a stupidly massive assignment on us. Specifically, a 25-minute presentation. Due in just over a week. Please remember that this is midterm season. So, recap: no forewarning, 25-minute presentation due on Halloween, two days after my big giant Brit lit midterm from hell, and five days before the due date of my big giant Brit lit paper from Hell.
Dear Professor,
Cordially, Allison
On the bright side, I found graffiti in the bathroom that reads: "If you have not died already, you will be killed by me."
I have to go--Joe's new kitten, Saxo Grammaticus, has managed to get himself stuck on the bamboo blinds during his relentless pursuit of a one of those satanic orange Asian biting insects that look like cute little ladybugs until they chew your face off.
Today one of my professors sprang a stupidly massive assignment on us. Specifically, a 25-minute presentation. Due in just over a week. Please remember that this is midterm season. So, recap: no forewarning, 25-minute presentation due on Halloween, two days after my big giant Brit lit midterm from hell, and five days before the due date of my big giant Brit lit paper from Hell.
Dear Professor,
Cordially, Allison
On the bright side, I found graffiti in the bathroom that reads: "If you have not died already, you will be killed by me."
I have to go--Joe's new kitten, Saxo Grammaticus, has managed to get himself stuck on the bamboo blinds during his relentless pursuit of a one of those satanic orange Asian biting insects that look like cute little ladybugs until they chew your face off.