Ok, in the past week, I have:
- worked a lot
- had my boss tell me that I am "sickeningly efficient"
- realized that I'm too good at my job--they run out of things for me to do, so I work fewer hours and consequently get less money
- helped a friend find a new apartment
- donated furniture to said friend for said apartment
- helped said friend get a library card
- listened to said friend's girlfriend woes
- helped SF jobhunt
- hunted for a second job for myself
- helped SF buy his girlfriend a birthday gift
- been relentlessly romantically pursued by another friend
- held no interest in my pursuer
- told pursuer so
- had pursuer ignore my refusal
- spent far too much time listening to pursuer tell me why I should like him back
- seen my friend Jason just long enough for him to scream "Hi, Allison!" out his car window
- raced my friend David down Sixth Street at midnight
- gotten my ass kicked in said race
- jumped in a lake fully clothed
- on two separate occasions
- gotten my ass kicked in a splash fight with a 7-year-old boy I didn't know
- bought my best friend a kickass birthday gift
- relentlessly reminded people of the number of shopping days left until my birthday (ten)
- attempted to plan some type of party for my 17th
- seen a parade
- gone on a college visit
In the past week, I have not:
- gotten paid
- bought anything
- been impressed by a college
- done laundry
- cleaned my room
- cleaned out my car
- managed to come home from the lake dry
- figured out what I'm doing for my birthday
- posted here
- gotten anything useful done whatsoever
My life is one big packet of busywork.