Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So I am done with the Worst Semester Ever and done being a whiny bitch about it. It's a relief, let me tell you. Next semester I have class two days a week--you really do have to love seminars.

Right now, I'm focusing on doing absolutely nothing for as long as possible. I think I've lost all brain function.

In a fit of religiosity (a terrible word, I know, but slightly more apt than religiousness for my purposes here), I tried to get a Nativity set the other day. We hadn't decorated at all at either my boyfriend's apartment or mine, and we're both broke, so I had to compromise and spent a dollar on a Nativity window clingy-thing-stuff set. I stuck them up very carefully on my boyfriend's kitchen window while he was at work the other night. My boyfriend, who is not religious at all, rearranged it to his liking, and now one of the kneeling shepherds is humping a donkey, another is beating a Wise Man with his hook-staff-doohickey, and the angel is lying at the foot of the manger with the Star of Bethlehem sticking out of her chest. (Okay, okay, the last one was my idea.)

Happy Chrismachanukwanzaakah.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Why Bother?

I am one week from finishing the semester from hell, and I still have 30+ pages to write.

I am six months from graduating with a totally useless degree. I was in the middle of applying for grad school, but one of my letters-of-recommendation professors has decided not to write it. She doesn't think I'm ready to keep going.

Her exact words were "bright but unfocused."

Her advice? "Take a year off, wait some tables, do a little traveling." I already wait tables; thanks for paying attention to that essay I wrote on it for you. I'm having a hard time seeing how "wait some tables" and "do a little traveling" go together. Do people really think that girls who make eight grand a year have the money to live it up in Europe? I suppose that if I bump it up to full time I'll be making sixteen...caviar and a hotel on the Riviera, here I come.

Well, now what.

(I'd use a question mark, but I'm feeling too dejected for the hope it would imply.)