Thursday, January 01, 2004

Well, well, well. (Ten points to any Hives fans who caught that one.) Two hours and two Diet Dr Peppers later, I have successfully updated my little ol' computer to Mac OS 9.2, downloaded iTunes, updated my firmware, and installed new speakers. It wasn't easy.

Note to Steve Jobs, who I know is an avid reader of Supernouveau: don't tell me to update my firmware by reading the instructions in the CD Extras folder. The instructions are not there; they do not exist. Note #2 to Mr. Jobs: the Support search engine on is a mess. When I search "firmware update OS 9," I shouldn't have to wade through three pages of jargon-filled results.

In the end, though, I conquered, and I have a nice new operating system to show for it. If anyone needs help updating (those other three of you who are on 8.6), I am a freaking expert on it for the next two days. Then I'll forget. But until then, drop me a line, and I will flex my geek muscles.

After updating firmware and the OS, I downloaded iTunes. Yay me. However, after a quick listen of "Come Together," I concluded that an old iMac's internal speakers simply aren't up to snuff. Fortunately, I had an old unused pair of externals in a box in my attic, and away I plugged. Now I can listen to the Beatles without having my desk shake.

Enough of the geek update. Photoshop is downloading as we speak. New images for the site, I promise! Former Girl Scout's honor!


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