Saturday, May 15, 2004

Cal, Tiff, Bob, and I went to the late showing of Mean Girls tonight. It's good for teen fare. See it.

We crashed Hy-Vee (can one really 'crash' a supermarket?) afterwards, and it was de-lovely. I saw my friend Trish there, and I went up and tapped her on the shoulder. She was all happy to see me, and I felt special. We chatted for about five minutes, and as she was about to leave, someone taps my shoulder. In a bizarre coincidence (Hy-Vee at 11:30 on a Friday night), it was my Brookings Army friend (yay).

My Brookings Army friend is a guy I met a couple times in April. He's 20 and just out of the military; his brother is my age. Anyway, he's pretty cool, and I hadn't seen him in a month, so it was nice. We talked for five minutes or so (he mocked me muchly for seeing Mean Girls).

Anyway, Trish left, BAF left, and Bob, Cal, Tiff, and I started heading up the produce aisle. We were about 3/4 of the way up when Bob commented, "You know, the only reason we invited you this time was because you had the nicest car."

He was kidding. I knew that. I froze anyway. (Background: last Movie Night, I was very purposefully excluded, and I still don't know why. They organized it, talked about it constantly in front of me, and made a point not to invite me.) I was suspicious, needless to say.

In mock irritation, I started walking away. They called after me, asking where I was going. I told them they could all walk home. They didn't follow, so I decided to test them.

I made it out to the parking lot, where Brookings Army friend was still loading up his car. He was confused, so I explained what Bob said and that I'm letting them walk home. Suddenly I heard Bob, Cal, and Tiff running through the lot screaming. I jumped in my car, and Cal and Tiff managed to vault in before I locked the doors. Bob's trapped outside, and I can hear BAF and his friend dying with laughter. What do we do?

I pulled away, of course. We drove around the block a couple of times, and eventually I doubled back to rescue Bob. BAF was gone by that time. Bob was cold and cranky and made his irritation known. We assured him that he absolutely deserved it. Cal, Tiff, and I all found it wildly funny. Bob hates me now.

It just goes to show: don't mess with me, bitch.


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