Monday, May 10, 2004

Speakers: my father and me. Places (respectively): stairway, my room. A shouted conversation...

"Where's the Tivo remote?"
"I don't know."
"You had it last!"
"I was on the recliner. Look around there."

About ten minutes later...

"What the hell did you do with the Tivo remote?"
"I told you; I was on the recliner."
"Well, it's not there, now, is it?"
"I guess not."

A pause...

"Get down here and find that remote!"
"Dad, I'm busy."
"I'm sure."
"No, seriously, I've got a history project due tomorrow. I'm working."
"Well, I want to watch TV!"
"All right, all right."
"Come down here now!"

About five seconds later, as I'm unlocking my door...

"Oh. Never mind. Your brother found it. It was on the bed [in the downstairs bedroom]."
"I was never there!"
"Yeah, well, I must have done that."

Is it just me, or is that a serious role reversal? The Working Person who Hasn't Touched the Remote in Four Hours versus the Whiny Person who Lost the Remote but Wants to Watch TV. Seems to me that the latter isn't usually 41 years old.


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