Thursday, May 20, 2004

Conspiracy, I say! I have just made the biggest political discovery of EVER. Namely?

Ok, first off, do you remember the song "Walking on Sunshine"? Yeah, now who sang it? If you guessed Katrina and the Waves, congratulations, you're correct.

Here's the great part: John Kerry was the bassist for Katrina and the Waves. Seriously. Check it out:

(By the way, I stole that picture off the band's official website. If it's copyrighted, then, um, well, sorry. Oops.)

More evidence? Check out the bottom left corner of this. And the real kicker is the video for "Walking on Sunshine." I can't find it on the Internet, but it's apparently on some album they released recently. It also gets played on VH1 Classics all the time. Seriously, if there's any way you can get your hands on the video for "Walking on Sunshine," you will immediately know what I'm talking about. About halfway through the video, the bassist pulls of his sweater and the secret's out. He is John Kerry.

It's so freaking weird to watch John Kerry bouncing around and playing bass guitar and going all 80s-pop-new-wave headbanging. It's so bizarre. Find the video if you can and watch it. It's crazy.

Now, pardon me while I go buy the domain "".

(For the curious, I've also got a conspiracy theory about the Strokes and KatW. If you listen to the guitars and drums on "Walking on Sunshine," it becomes quite apparent that Julian Casablancas was heavily influenced by Katrina and the Waves. Heavily--he just won't admit it. The whole Strokes sound is directly comparable to the guitar of "Walking on Sunshine." For further proof of the Strokes/KatW theory, check this out. If you're not familiar with the Strokes, their first album was called Is This It, as the European cover shows.)

Yes, now I've got to stop with my Katrina and the Waves-centric conspiracy theories. But John Kerry was a Wave!