Sunday, March 14, 2004

Things I forgot to post yesterday, with lots and lots of parentheses:

- I finally got a haircut. I think it's reasonably foxy, although a little girl at church today told me it was "horrible." If I ever find my digital camera (it's vanished again) and the connecting cord (haven't seen that in weeks), and take a decent picture, I'll post the Foxy/Horrible New Haircut.

- Andylad makes things very complicated indeed. I won't go into too much detail; suffice it to say that he's a friend of Chantel's. He's never met me, but he has made one huge misjudgment of my character. Hell, I might as well go into detail: no, Andylad, I'm not a lesbian. (I have no idea why he thinks this. From what I know of Andylad, he's insecure about certain facets of himself, and he tends to project that onto other people.) You can stop thinking that, and you can stop letting your own misinterpretation bother you. Anyhow, I don't swing that way, sir; I like the fellas.

- Bald eagles are really, really big. I drove past one sitting on a frozen-over lake, and it was huge. I'd never seen one that close up before. The thing was massive.

- God is out to get me. I was driving 65 mph down the highway, and a huge tumbleweed smacked right into the side of my car. God is very ineffective.

- Chantel's mom is a heinous bitch.

- In my experience, stoners are generally much nicer and more accepting than other people. I've got to give them credit. The blue-eyed friend (the one who later stole Chantel's phone and talked to me when I called) proffered a pipeful, and when I declined, nobody seemed to mind.

Ok, so I actually just wanted to use a little alliteration. Truthfully, it happened more like this (compacted for your convenience):

"You've never smoked weed?"
"Well, if somebody offered you some, would you?"
"I don't dad would kill me."
"He wouldn't need to find out."
"You don't know my dad; he's psychotically overprotective. Besides, I've got to drive home."
"Oh, yeah. Parents always find out that shit. You know, that's the thing about them--as long as they don't find out, you're ok, but when they do, you're fucked."

Stoners 1, Most People -463,285.


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