Sunday, January 25, 2004

Snowfall is kind of pretty when you're not out in it, especially when the flakes are big and puffy. They're just kind of floating down to the ground. It's quite aesthetically pleasing.

How tall does an amaryllis get before it blooms? Mine's eighteen inches tall and still showing no signs of blossoming. Maybe it's got some kind of inferiority complex. Perhaps it's compensating for something. (Yeah, yeah, I just made a lame penis joke about a flower. I'm ashamed of myself, too.)

I have a confession to make. I am currently listening to the Bay City Rollers. I have a problem. It's not even Saturday night, and yet I insist on playing the song. I want to get help. I need an intervention. It's just that I sometimes feel like the BCR are the only ones who understand me...they do everything they can to comfort me. Sniffle. It's just that it's the good ol' rock and roll.

Ok, now iTunes has switched to "Creep" (Radiohead, not TLC). I'm better now. Can I have some of my street cred back? . I know, I know, plaid bell-bottoms, but have a little mercy. I just want a little credibility. Pretty please? I could go out and buy Gish if it'll get me back on the level.

While I'm talking about the Smashing Pumpkings, which is almost never, I might as well mention that D'Arcy scares me. She likes unnecessary apostrophes. ("Apostrophe" is quite possibly the coolest word ever.) In that vein, she reminds of Terence Trent D'Arby...remember him? "[Something about a] wishing well, kiss and tell." That's all I remember. Come to think of it, that song might predate my birth. I just remember seeing the video on Pop-Up Video when I was about 11. Ol' Terence Trent scares me, too.

I'm going to go do something else, you know, get a life or something. I think Circus Atari is calling.


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