Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hail, South Dakota

I'm home.

I have pictures, but no camera cord. Isn't it funny how these things work?

Now, I do have one major point that I have been aching to write about since I got back.

When I was in high school, I seriously considered going to Washington University at St. Louis. I read all the literature, checked out the website, researched scholarships, and even toured the campus. I eventually decided against it, feeling that the cost was high, the application fee wasn't worth it, and I wouldn't be comfortable in a big city that far from home.

But that's not what I tell people now. I tell people I didn't go to WUSL because I couldn't take the disappointment of finding out their mascot wasn't the Heffalumps.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

And you know what? I'm suddenly a little depressed that my university's mascot isn't the Heffalumps. But really I think just about anything would be better than what it is now: an Argonaut. And my hypothesis is that it's only the Argonaut because all attempts at creating a costume for the school's symbol, the chambered nautilus, resulted in something vaguely resembling a bearded doughnut.

This is obviously a sensitive subject for me.

But seriously.. get a cord!

8:39 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Oh, funny. We're the Jackrabbits, and we just had a logo redesign. They spent five figures on the design firm, and the finished product resembled not a jackrabbit, but a cocker spaniel. It was hilarious and depressing all at once. They've since redesigned again, and the new one's rather fetching, I must admit (probably because it's the one I voted for in the secret random invitational poll).

10:58 PM  

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