Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The other day, in a fit of "Oh god I quit my job," I drove to the nearest city with a Mac store and bought The Sims 2: Bon Voyage. It is helping me get through the freakouts; when I get overwhelmed by the jobness and moneyness and tiredness and jadedness, I turn on the iBook and occupy my thoughts with buying a vacation home in the tropics for Dustin and Angela Broke.

Anyway, on Interstate 29 between here and there, there's an old delivery truck parked in one of the pastures. It's completely white, except for the childlike spraypainted red scrawl on the side that reads "MARRY ME KATHY?" As you drive past, you can see the back of the truck where he wrote "I'M SMITTEN!!" And then, in case you really are a cold bastard, once you can see the other side in your rearview mirror, a slightly different color red declares "THANK YOU JESUS! SHE SAID YES!!" And then I die inside from the heartwarmedness.

See? I'm not a completely hopeless old, jaded, bitter waitress.

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