Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Today I'm feeling down. So it goes. I don't have any particular reason why; I'm just burnt out. I hate being busy. I also feel very sweary...the obscenity gods may yet feel my wrath.

In the next four weeks, I have a Grand March to attend. I have two math contests in which to participate. I've got physics and Spanish quiz bowls to lose. I have an optometrist appointment on April 6. I have a choir competition to fake my way through. There's a band trip to Chicago and a band competition that I need to not screw up too badly. I need to register for the ACT. I have to finish my application for science camp (say no more).

Remember my friend Cal? She hasn't been mentioned in a long while, and the reason is simple: I don't really enjoy being around her anymore. I guess there's part of me that's loyal to her since we've been friends for 11 years, but most of me is really beginning to dislike the girl. We have less and less in common as the years go by. What's more, the things we do have in common are things I'd rather we not. She has a terrible habit of seeing me do something or finding something I like, publicizing that she does/likes it, and taking all the credit for it. Personality quirks, preferences, opinions, styles; if I do it, she's sure to steal it. It gets irritating.

I'm sure my vexation will be shortlived, and I know that I'll probably like Cal again next week. The fact remains: for the past two months or so, she's annoyed all hell out of me.

Long ago, I remember having free time. I remember being bored out of my skull. Now I actually have to do stuff. Goddammit; all these little high school things like "school" and "homework" and "friends" and "family" and "responsibilities" suck ass.

I am one self-absorbed teenaged fuck.


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