Monday, February 16, 2004

Wait. I forgot to post the best part about my trip today. A dictionary. Yes, I bought a new dictionary.

It will be added to the approximately 532 others I have hiding somewhere in the Bottomless Pit that is my room. Dictionaries are good, and I need as many as I can get. There is no reason someone as old as I am (16, if you haven't been paying attention) should have a vocabulary as poor as mine. I read plenty, but I never bother to look up the words I don't know, so I never remember any new words. Lazy, I say.

So a new dictionary it is. I bought this one because it's a tad smaller than any of my current dictionaries. I actually wanted something littler, but none of the tiny ones had my test word in them. For the curious, the test word is "pluvial." "Pluvial" is an adjective, and it means of or relating to rain.

Let's take this baby for a test drive. Today's word of the day is..."Huntington Beach"? City in SW California: pop. 182,000? Okay. How about "hussar"? A European light-armed cavalryman, usually with a brilliant dress uniform.

Now I've just got to figure out when I'm ever going to talk about hussars.


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