Friday, February 13, 2004

Snapshots of the Rest of the Day

Being recruited by your injured father to drive to Brookings and pick up fast food.

Getting all excited when "Light & Day" comes on the radio because it's your cheesy happy song.

Being outraged that a 12-pack of Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi, despite having none of the qualities that distinguishes regular soda, still costs as much as regular soda ($4!).

Waiting in line at the Burger King drive-thru as the local college radio station finally receives your psychic messages and plays the Strokes' "Under Control."

Driving home into the sunset while Julian Lennon channels David Bowie and tells you that you're in Heaven.

Wondering if the long line of oncoming traffic looks like a funeral procession even in Heaven.

Staying home alone when you realize that Sarah's already out drinking, Cal's in Mankato, Jessie's at work, Rachel's benchwarming at the game, and you don't know Chantel's phone number.

Arguing with your mother about the nature of guy/girl friendships--"Men and women can never be friends," you opine a la Harry, for "the sex thing always gets in the way."

Listening to your parents try to convince you that you're not as pathetic as you think you are.

Watching John Edwards on Leno and thinking about how much he reminds you of Clinton, and not in a bad way.

Laughing at the funniest bit on Conan that you've seen in ages.

Sitting in your room, typing up another journal entry, and wondering why you still don't feel okay.


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