Sunday, February 29, 2004

Happy Leap Day. I'm not quite sure what one does on Leap Day; I have a feeling it has something to do with wandering around one of Brookings' city parks. I haven't quite decided yet, but I'm reasonably sure that that's what I'll do.

My parents are off squirming through The Passion of the Christ. I don't think that there has ever been a film that I have had less desire to see. I am totally uninterested. Yes, I realize that that makes me sound like a heathen. Judge not.

It's cloudy outside, and it might rain today. I hope it does. I like extremes in weather. If it's going to be cloudy, it might as well rain. If it's going to rain, it might as well pour. If it's going to snow, let's have a blizzard.

Speaking of which, there's talk that we might get six inches of snow tonight. This would be terribly ironic, as I've only got a three-day week ahead of me. It's entirely possible that there will be a snow day two days before spring break. I'm thinking that since I don't live in Florida, spring break in early March doesn't really work.

Happy Leap Day and whatnot. Try not to get yourselves killed. (That's almost always good advice.)


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