Thursday, February 26, 2004

During lunch, my friend Bob decided that he would fill in all awkward lulls in the conversation with the words "in my pants." Everything went pretty well for awhile, and eventually Bob began to say it automatically during any silence. He didn't even realize what he was saying a good portion of the time.

Of course, we couldn't just leave that alone.

My other friends and I began to fill in incriminating statements. Most were of a very frank sexual nature, and consequently, you know what they were like. There's no need for me to repeat them. Give bored 16-year-olds bait like that, and trust me, we take it.

I, being the witty sophisticate of the group, contributed, "There is poop..." Without thinking, Bob responded, "In my pants. Wait, what were we talking about?"

Yes, I am five. We all laughed at that one, Bob most of all. We are pathetic. I'm actually still giggling as I type this.

The best by far, however, was yet to come. Teresa, Cal, and I were all discussing this little game, and I commented, "It's fun tricking Bob into saying dirty things."

(Before I go on, let me explain that Cal is the biggest prude I know; she never stoops to talking about sex. She is very naive, and it was my friend Jessie who actually ended up giving her "the Talk" in about eighth grade. Cal is massively uncomfortable with a conversation that takes any sexual direction whatsoever.)

Anyway, Cal laughed. Then, naturally, she responded. "It's not hard."

There was a short silence as we all ran out of things to talk about. Suddenly, Teresa and I both sat up straight, gasped, and said, "DO NOT SAY IT!" We then collapsed into immature, uncontrollable giggles.

Cal raised her eyebrows, confused, and pauses for a second. Then suddenly, she threw her hand over her mouth and murmured, "Oh, my God..."

Bob, meanwhile, is literally falling out of his chair laughing. So Bob, Teresa, and I are all shrieking with laughter as Cal chortles uncomfortably.

There's nothing quite like a little rampant immaturity to put you in a good mood.


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