Thursday, January 08, 2004

I have an awful lot of algebra homework that I am desperately trying to avoid doing, so it's time for another...

Fifty Things
1. The first album I ever owned was a 1968 LP of the Beatles' Yellow Submarine. I stole it from my father's record collection when I was five and was instantly hooked.
2. I'd sell my pancreas to look like Winona Ryder circa Heathers (minus the big hair).
3. It drives me crazy to listen to people eat.
4. I'm a bit of a pyromaniac.
5. I'm currently knitting a scarf for my sort-of friend Paula.
6. I like to create anagrams for my name.
7. I'm extremely ritualistic. I have set routines that I complete on daily and weekly bases.
8. No spice rack is left untouched by me; I have a compulsive need to alphabetize them.
9. I'm chronically late.
10. I placed second at the state spelling bee two years in a row.
11. I'm always cold. I wear jackets in the summertime.
12. My handwriting changes constantly, from neat and tiny to a large, unintelligible scrawl.
13. I don't use tittles.
14. I take a children's chewable multivitamin every day.
15. I learned to read by studying newspaper headlines.
16. I'm surprisingly good at tiddly-winks.
17. I'm baptized Roman Catholic, but am currently having a small religious crisis.
18. As a child, I always wanted to marry a Jewish man when I grew up.
19. I don't believe in Hell.
20. Despite my shyness, I'm very outgoing around people I know well, and I love to be the center of attention.
21. I avoid conflict at all costs.
22. Apologies are second nature to me. I apologize for things that aren't even my fault.
23. One of my worst traits is that I'm an excellent liar.
24. I fidget incessantly. I have a total inability to sit completely still.
25. My father wanted to give me the middle name "Wonderland," but my mom wouldn't let him. I have never quite forgiven her for this.
26. People used to tell me that I looked like Jodie Foster. I don't anymore.
27. I am growing progressively stupider. I was an extremely precocious child.
28. I keep a list of books to read before I die.
29. When it comes to concrete objects, I don't believe in neutral connotations. Every noun has a good or bad identity in my mind.
30. I loathe memorization.
31. I have a pretty photographic memory. When I can't remember an answer on a test, I'm able to visualize the page it was on, and I can figure it out from that about 80% of the time.
32. In accordance with #31, I learn almost exclusively by visuals.
33. I think hands-on experiments in science classes are absolutely repulsive. I cannot stand them.
34. My room rarely gets cleaned. I tend to lose interest about halfway through the job, so I only clean if I've got a do-nothing weekend ahead of me.
35. People tend to think that I'm taller than I really am. I'm 5'7".
36. My favorite animal is the wombat.
37. I remember watching the world premiere of Michael Jackson's "Black or White" video.
38. I adore the smell of coffee, but I don't drink it.
39. Green tea is the only kind of tea I like.
40. I have one recurring dream. In it, I push thumbtacks into my wrists. I make designs and form my initials and things like that. I never bleed, and it doesn't hurt.
41. Up until last year, my father was a stay-at-home dad. My mom works all the time. I have a hard time relating to her.
42. I am a shameless perfectionist.
43. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
44. I don't know where I want to go to college, either.
45. My goldfish have all been named after historical figures. My first fish was Spartacus, and he was replaced by Josephine. Napoleon has since succeeded her.
46. My 'happy place' is the St. Louis Wax Museum.
47. When I was fourteen, I played the roles of Gertrude, August, and The Cook in our community production of The Matchmaker. People told me I was very good, but I have not acted since.
48. I am a soprano. I have a decent range, but my voice is only middling.
49. Twelve of my ancestors fought in the Civil War. All were Confederates.
50. As a kid, I worshiped Bill Watterson and Berke Breathed and wanted to be a cartoonist.


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