Thursday, December 18, 2003

Theme day! Today I present: Famous Tonys.

Grr, baby.

All right, all right, that joke was dumb. You're a demanding little readership. I like to pretend that other people read this. It soothes my aching ego.

The venerable Thurl Ravenscroft is best know as the voice of Tony the Tiger, hence this site's inclusion in today's theme. He also sang "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" for the original Grinch feature (you know, the one that didn't suck). This is a fansite for him.

I swear, some people have sad little lives. Fansites for commercial cartoon characters (alliteration ahoy!). Strange. But hey, the guy deserves a fansite. I mean, come on, his name's Thurl.

Ok, on to Tony #2:

As a kid, one of my favorite songs was Elton John's "Tiny Dancer." Of course, I didn't know the actual title. Oh, yeah. You know where this one's going.

As so many fools before me, I spent a good twelve years of my life convinced that the lyrics were "Hold me closer, Tony Danza." Yep. From the ages of four to 16, I lived in ignorance.

Earlier this year, I saw the movie Almost Famous for the first time.

-- I've got to interrupt myself to explain something. Normally, mention of a film here at Supernouveau warrants an IMDB link, but this movie is grossly overrated. Don't bother. --

Anyway, it was only then that I realized that the song is about a freakin' ballerina. Old Elton's not afraid of setting off the gaydar. Tiny dancers. Holy pogo sticks. You can't see it, but I'm shaking my head and drawing rainbows.

I told my friend Cal about my misconception, and she thought it was the funniest thing ever. Then again, my stupidity always amuses her. It was only later that I was browsing through the Goats archives and I saw it. This comic. (I know I reference Goats a lot. Too bad for you.) You mean I wasn't alone? Others have made this mistake?

So, I turn to trusty ol' Google. Sure enough, a search of "hold me closer, tony danza" turns up a good 451 results. Without quotes, the number jumps to 1,210. Apparently, this particular misheard lyric has even been a joke on Will and Grace.

I may be a fool, but I am in the company of many.


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