Friday, June 11, 2004

Every once in awhile I get this intense desire to weird people out.

I like to sneak past teenage strangers standing in a group so that I can learn the name of one of them. Then, I go back, walk up to that person, and go, "Oh, my God, Jamie, is that you? It's been so long!"

Usually they get all flustered and try to fake their way through it. "Oh, wow, it's so weird seeing you again!" It works especially well if you've got somebody with you because then you can go, "Oh, Kate, this is my friend Jamie. I can't even remember the last time I saw her!"

Every once in awhile, though, you get some smartass who says they don't know you (those tend to be guys). Then, though, you can just explain that you enjoy walking up to random people and trying to make them uncomfortable. Usually they think that's really cool, although there's almost always some snarky stalker comment thrown in there since you bothered to find out their name.

Someday, when I'm braver, I'm going to escalate this hobby. I want to *69 and dial random numbers on the phone. If somebody picks up, I'll tell them I'm naked. Then, I, fully clothed, will get to enjoy either a hangup, a flustered, "Um...that's nice," or a diatribe on decency. Of course, I'd be a little flustered myself if they like, enjoyed the call.

I desperately love making people nervous.


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