Friday, November 28, 2003

Courtesy post:

Things I’ve Done within the Last 36 Hours:

- spent ten hours in a car
- had a slice of wheat bread and a piece of turkey for Thanksgiving relatives cannot cook
- watched the last quarter of a football game I didn’t care about
- received $15 for baby-sitting kids I like anyway
- received $20 for existing
- been told that my face was "getting wider”
- watched the closing arguments of the Democratic debate
- clapped and cheered madly for Howard
- listened to the Franken/O’Reilly clip from that book fair (“Shut up!”)
- secretly rejoiced when my grandmother criticized my brother for once--I’ve been her target without fail for the last six years
- had my first sip of merlot
- experienced thirty seconds’ worth of lightheadedness from said wine
- walked to Walgreen’s
- paid 65 cents for a Hershey bar at Walgreen’s
- listened to Lifted... and Room on Fire two times each
- listened to the five-disc CD-RW set What Allison Was Listening to on.... Discs range from February 20th, 2002, to September 16th, 2003.
- listened to most of Best of Bowie
- received copies of the Clash’s Give ‘Em Enough Rope and Compact Snap! by the Jam from my uncle
- argued with said uncle about the merits of Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols! (it sucks)
- teased the aforementioned uncle when he said that Sex Pistols “wasn’t anarchy music at all”
- argued with uncle’s wife about Howard Dean (she says he “has no stands on the issues;” I say he’s had a position on every issue for the last year and a half)
- listened to uncle’s wife then extol the virtues of Wesley Clark (yeah, like he’s made it clear where he stands on domestic policy)
- watched to various Nebraska relatives fall to their knees in blatant idol-worship of John Kerry
- been poked and called a vertebrate by my three-year-old cousin Claire

Things I Wish I’d Done in the Last 36 Hours but Couldn’t:

- spent about six hours in downtown Omaha
- listened to my new copies of Give ‘Em Enough Rope and Compact Snap!
- drunk a lot more merlot
- and I mean a lot more

Rant, rant, rant, say I. Booze good. Need more booze. Rant over.